Depleted’s Head of Marketing, Sheri Candler, Nationally Recognized…

Sheri Candler

It’s always exciting when one of your creative team is nationally recognized for excellence in their craft!  Sheri Candler, the head of Depleted’s marketing team, was placed in the Top Ten Brave Thinkers in Indie Film by innovator Ted Hope of the nationally regarded Huffington Post!

Sheri Candler
Sheri Candler

Hope had this to say of Candler:

“When you believe in something you want to share it, right?  Sheri embodies this statement like few others.  Her commitment and faith in audience and community building is contagious.  An avid user of social media, it is hard to miss Sheri in the virtual world, as she lends her voice, heart, and hand to filmmakers trying to sort out a way to connect and build the necessary bridges. Added bonus for following Sheri?  Her ideas are good and well thought out!   Last year’s Brave Thinker, Jon Reiss attests: “I met Sheri just over a year ago after I had just finished Think Outside the Box Office — where else — but on Twitter. She reached out to me, as she does with countless others, and since our first meeting has been an invaluable partner – passionate, incisive and always on the hunt for new ideas and new people that can help filmmakers (myself included) connect with their tribe and help solve the problems facing us all in this challenging time. Her tireless engagement and generosity sharing her wisdom and discoveries is a constant inspiration to me and should be to all in our community.”

To read the complete article, click here.

Our congratulations go out to Sheri for this public recognition of her outstanding mind and talent.  It is a wonderful boon to the World of Depleted to have someone of Sheri’s skills and creative outlook involved so dynamically in helping spread the word and grow this audience!

New Score Composer Officially Announced for Depleted: Day 419

David Singleton at Keyboard
daVid Singleton at Keyboard
daVid Singleton at Keyboard (Photo By Brooke Banks)

Today we are pleased to make the official announcement that daVid Singleton has been selected as the score composer for Depleted: Day 419. After he had first met with Sound Designer John Howard, I had a chance to personally meet with him at the Oakwood Sound Design studio for more than two hours and found that his understanding of both the genre of apocalyptic literature and his creative musical talent made him the right choice for the score composer for this film!

Singleton moved to Lexington, KY after living in LA for a number of years, where he recorded background vocals for Arnold Palmer’s smash “Addicted to Love” as well as Fleetwood Mac’ s “Rock a Little” album.  (He also sold an original melody to A&M Records in 1990, which became Amy Grant’s chart topping smash, “Baby Baby.”) In addition to his work with other bands and composing for television and film, he has  three albums of original music that have been released. We’re extremely excited to complete the film under his score composition!

Depleted’s Global Reach About To Increase…

We are now essentially done with the Contributor contracts that will allow the World of Depleted to become the global movement it is.  (We are about to commence the final testing process to make sure everything is where it needs to be.)  Prepared meticulously by our entertainment lawyer, Paul Battista, these agreements will allow fans from all over the world to submit pieces of the entire Depleted landscape to be used, mixed, and remixed by fans around the world.  The Canonization process will allow everyone to easily know which elements are actually part of the massive world we invision and which ones are not.  (Those that are not, but which are still interesting, will be shown in the Apocrypha section of the website.)  Content creators whose work is Canonized will share in profits any time time their work is used for profit.  As such, you don’t have to be a filmmaker to contribute to Depleted and profit from your involvement…you could be any sort of creative person: photographer, videographer, special effects artist, writer, artist, editor, musician, remixer, whatever.  If you enjoy the World of Depleted, you can find a way to help sculpt it into the truly global, breathing entity that it’s designed to be!  And, for the content that’s truly extraordinary, the Depleted Core team will have special secrets and mysteries that the content contributors can add to their work, so that fans will have additional reasons to be drawn to the different elements that make up this universe!

The Past & Future Collide

As Gavin tries to untangle the darkest visions to date–figuring out who the mysterious N.I.R. organization is, when the Neo-Palidins will be set loose, and when the attacks before the Fall will occur–he must finally come face to face with the darkness of his own life.  Only as he reaches into the splintered remnants of his past will he be able to have a chance to improve the future!

Don’t miss out on any of the newest entries in

The Gavin Hesterdale Journal!

Blowing Up: A Glimpse of some of the Effects from the World of Depleted Sizzle Reel

We’ve been working hard on the effects both for Depleted: Day 419, but also for effects which will be used in the feature film and on a sizzle reel for the World of Depleted franchise, to give folks a feel for the wide reach it has and to get the creative juices flowing of fans and contributors.

The following video showcases a scene from the sizzle reel where Jenna deploys a remote control bomb as she and Andre Flanagan walk away from the site.  Composited in After Effects, this explosion utilizes multiple elements found in Action Essentials 2 (created by Video Copilot and marketed by Toolfarm).

Who are the Dark Dreamers…?

Gavin Hesterdale may have discovered a way to pool resources he never knew he had as an ancient prophecy helps him come one step closer to figuring out the timeline to the end of the world!  However, now he needs your help!  Check out the newest update in the Journal to find out how you can help Gavin and how you can interact with him directly! 

Click to Go To Gavin’s Journal

Final Depleted: Day 419 Posters Completed…

Three Pack of Posters

Craig McDaniel (of Pop!WorkMedia) has just completed the final posters for Depleted: Day 419 and we are extremely excited about them!  In addition to the posters, he’s created some High Def wallpapers for each of the posters, which we will be letting people get ahold of in the near future!

We’re also about to roll out the World of Depleted Gear store, where you can show your passion for this world by picking up merchandise and cool collectibles.  The High Rez versions of the posters will be available to purchase in a variety of finishes when the store goes live!

Photo Credits:
Photography: Nate Eckelbarger
Design: Craig McDaniel
Teaser: Featuring knife crafted by Gabe Kinderknecht
Official Poster: Featuring Kat Carney and Tim Smith
Alternate Poster: Featuring Eric Henninger and David Haney