Final Depleted: Day 419 Posters Completed…

Three Pack of Posters

Craig McDaniel (of Pop!WorkMedia) has just completed the final posters for Depleted: Day 419 and we are extremely excited about them!  In addition to the posters, he’s created some High Def wallpapers for each of the posters, which we will be letting people get ahold of in the near future!

We’re also about to roll out the World of Depleted Gear store, where you can show your passion for this world by picking up merchandise and cool collectibles.  The High Rez versions of the posters will be available to purchase in a variety of finishes when the store goes live!

Photo Credits:
Photography: Nate Eckelbarger
Design: Craig McDaniel
Teaser: Featuring knife crafted by Gabe Kinderknecht
Official Poster: Featuring Kat Carney and Tim Smith
Alternate Poster: Featuring Eric Henninger and David Haney

New Color Correction Done On Depleted: Day 419…

Jenna's Document Forging Studio

After working for weeks with DP Nate Eckelbarger to come up with a color grading look for Depleted: Day 419,we’re nearly complete with this element of the filmmaking process.  To reflect some of the bleakness of humanity over  a year into the Fall, we chose to use some subtle desaturation and curves generally.  To replicate older lenses, we used anamorphic lens flares when characters are outside, while, indoors, a higher contrast look with more subdued flares conveys the look we’re going for. 

Initially done with a variety of different plugins, we eventually chose to go with a straightforward combination of AE/Premiere Pro’s Unsharp Mask plugin and the Magic Bullet Looks suite (with a few uses of Colorista for certain scenes).  The power of Magic Bullet Looks is really impressive when you delve past the presets and start using real world camera knowledge.  Coming from a digital world, I’ve really enjoyed learning about traditional film recording from my DP, as he’s much more comfortable with film based recording.  His knowledge of cameras, lenses, and film helped insure that the looks we came up with are authentic to what real film could capture with specially chosen lenses and glass filters!

To get some previews, you can check them out below.

First color grading session for Depleted: Day 419…

While we continue to work on the audio and score for Depleted: Day 419, I sat down with DP Nate Eckelbarger today to begin creating the final look for the riveting gun battle, as well as the overall color grade for the film.  While additional work will be done to perfect this, we’ve made a lot of headway and are excited by how things are coming along.

Rough Cut Wrap Party Dynamic Success…

The First Rough Cut Preview

The First Rough Cut Preview
Jeremy Hanke Demos the first rough cut of Depleted: Day 419 for the cast and crew at the cast party held at Oakwood Sound Design. (Photo by Nathan Eckelbarger.)

The rough cut wrap party of Depleted: Day 419 was a great success last night.

A good showing of the cast and crew enjoyed getting to chat with one another after the film wrapped, watched an ultra-sneak peak of the rough cut of Depleted: Day 419, and exchanging favorite stories from the filming for the behind-the-scenes camera.

New ideas for possible collectors’ editions of the DVD of the film were exchanged, including a severely limited edition that will feature some insane extras for the most devout fans. The showing helped clarify a lot of the next steps for the Depleted: Day 419 film as it gets closer to a locked cut!

Radio Station to Come to Depleted: Day 419?


RadioOne of the things that’s complex in working with a story that is as human as Depleted is finding different ways to show the world that exists.  While filmmaker collaborators will help us flesh out the world of Depleted in this regard, I really wanted to have an additional perspective that we could show in the prologue, Depleted: Day 419, besides that of Jenna Whitmore, the main narrator.  It was always my intent to have two versions of the film: one with narration and one without.  While the narrated version would be the one I preferred, I wanted the film to work even if there was no narration.  However, as I began to think more about it, I realized that I actually wanted three versions.  The third one would allow a pirate radio station to be heard when Jenna is in her appartment and in vehicles. 

Pirate radio stations are a major element in the world of Depleted, although their range is limited to small communities and enclaves for the most part.  Because Jenna lives on the outskirts of a town, it makes sense that she’s close enough to hear the town’s pirate radio station.  Once I started thinking about this, I realized that this wasn’t just a cool idea, but that this would give me a way to bring in gossip, insight, and story plot information that will become important in the feature film.  As such, each of the three versions of the film will give viewers more information and alternate perspectives on the World of Depleted, as well as insights into the secrets of how the world collapsed and hints as to who may have seen it coming.  (We might even have a fourth version with different news from the radio that will be hidden somewhere.)