New Game Set In World of Depleted: Wild Wars…

Choose a General and Help Battle Through the World of Depleted!

Wild Wars Alllows You To Play Inside The World of DepletedAs some of you know, the World of Depleted never sleeps and it’s been the home for a number of new projects, including the Gray Eyes of Death novel.  Now it branches out into a game that shows players of all ages how powerful nature can be in the vacuum of man!

The brainchild of MicroFilmmaker Designs, Wild Wars is a game that pits surviving generals against one another through an army of animals they’ve each helped train in the time after The Fall.  The reward is a new place to survive in and all the animals and abilities are based on real world animals and science.  While the beginner game has the player act as the general, in the advanced game, General cards represent the player and provide special abilities to the armies they command.

Choose a General and Help Battle Through the World of Depleted!
Choose a General and Help Battle Through the World of Depleted!

While the game is designed for all ages, fans of Depleted will find hidden generals they’ll recognize like: Gavin Hesterdale, Croc Graham, and Jenna Whitmore!

The game is currently available with multiple decks at DriveThru RPG.  Get more info about the game at WildWarsGame.Com.

DVD Proof test…

DVD Proof Set of Day 419

Before we shipped out the Day 419 DVD from, we wanted to see exactly how the layout would look when it was printed, as this is the best way to make sure your layout is exactly the way you want it.

Our audio people at Oakwood Sound Design had recently discovered a local printer that they were very impressed with called, Quality Duplication.  (I know, the name is not unlike Lexington’s #1 China Buffet.  However, much like the restaurant I just mentioned, we were wise not to discount them due to their name!)  I had a chance to meet with John Hendershot, who runs the company, and he printed up some proofs for us, which were very impressive.  As such, I think we’ll be doing all of our speciality DVDs with him!  (As an added bonus, his rates are incredible on multi-disc sets, which is an area that CreateSpace/ have big problems with.)

So, here is the proof test below.  The print looked great and allowed us to find a few  layout errors in our design that were simple to correct once we knew how they’d show up.

DVD Proof Set of Day 419
DVD Proof Set in Sunlit Window